Warrnambool is a great place to live for all residents, in every neighbourhood and at every stage of life. With unsurpassed access to the natural environment, affordable and appropriate housing, access to high quality services and a safe community, Warrnambool offers the highest standards of liveability.
Warrnambool is an affordable and accessible place to live for everyone
2040 Outcome
Warrnambool is the most liveable regional city in Australia (according to the IPSOS Life in Australia Survey). Warrnambool’s liveability is a key feature of the city’s identity across Victoria.
Affordable, decent and appropriate housing is available for all. No one is homeless.
Utility costs are negligible and affordable for all as all properties are self-sufficient for their energy and water needs.
Warrnambool is an accessible place for people of all ages, genders and abilities.
Warrnambool is known as a leading World Health Organisation Age-Friendly City and continues to plan and invest to retain this reputation.
Warrnambool is recognised as an excelling member of the Welcoming Cities Network.
The changes we want by 2026
- Warrnambool retains the title of Victoria’s most liveable regional city (IPSOS Life in Australia survey) and improves its overall score from 2017 (72.1%, 2017).
- More residential properties are within 400m of quality public open space than in 2017.
- As a proportion of all housing, more affordable and social housing is available than in 2017.
- Housing types and sizes are more diverse than in 2017.
- Rates of homelessness has halved from 2017 levels.
- Local policies require all new housing to have renewable energy infrastructure to significantly reduce living costs.
- Warrnambool has implemented its first 5 year plan to be a World Health Organisation Age-Friendly City and has developed a second, 5 year plan.
- Warrnambool has implemented an action plan to progress Unicef’s Child-Friendly Cities Framework.
- Warrnambool is recognised as an established member of the Welcoming Cities Network. • Warrnambool City Council’s Disability Action Plan 2017-2026 has been implemented.
Short Term Initiatives
- Take and support action to make Warrnambool a more Child Friendly, Age Friendly, and Welcoming City (using accepted standards and frameworks).
- Council will implement its Disability Action Plan 2017-2026.
- Council will lead the development of a cultural framework/plan which strengthens Warrnambool’s cultural identity and promotes living in Warrnambool as an attractive regional living option.
- Increase the accessibility of community places (WAG, Library, Schools, etc) outside of traditional business hours
- Council will endorse and implement the Housing Diversity Strategy and endorse and implement the Social Housing Planning Project.
- The Housing Diversity Strategy and the Social Housing Planning Project will be implemented into the Planning Scheme policy.
- Advocate for and support the development of diverse, social and affordable housing that exceeds previous provision.