Warrnambool | A City for Living

Warrnambool encourages and prioritises sustainable transport

Destinations across the city are easily accessible by active or public transport. Warrnambool is a great place to walk and cycle, with a compact, attractive and safe built environment. The road network safely accommodates all users and footpaths and shared paths along all waterways and the coast, provide off road options for active transport users. Destinations across the city are accessible, with trips in any mode taking less than 20 minutes.

2040 Outcome

Warrnambool is a compact city whose population is accommodated within the growth boundary that existed in 2017. 10,000 residents will live in Central Warrnambool by 2040 (3800 in 2016).

No neighbourhoods are car-dependent. All have alternative, sustainable transport options, to daily destinations. All daily destinations (work, school, shopping, recreation, health services) are all accessible in less than 20 minutes by sustainable travel.

Warrnambool has continuous loops of off-road walking and cycling trails along all waterways and the coast.

Most children walk or cycle to school daily. Most adults walk or cycle for transport daily.

No road accidents in the City result in serious injury or death for drivers, cyclists or pedestrians.

Shared, autonomous, electric vehicles (SAEVs) are operating effectively in the City

The changes we want by 2026

  • 5000 residents will live in Central Warrnambool by 2026 (3800 in 2016).
  • All daily destinations (work, school, shopping, recreation, health services) are accessible within 15 minutes using active/sustainable travel modes.
  • Principle Pedestrian and Principle Cycling Network Plans (including off road trails) have been developed and recommendations are being implemented to improve sustainable transport infrastructure.
  • More residential properties are within 400m of public transport than in 2017.
  • The proportion of residents walking, cycling or taking public transport to school and work has significantly increased (doubled) since 2017.
  • All residents feel safer walking in their neighbourhoods than they did in 2017.
  • There are less road accidents/crashes and injuries than there were in 2017.
  • Warrnambool has developed a plan to provide for autonomous electric vehicles (AEVs).

Short Term Initiatives

  • Council will maintain a Planning Scheme that aims to protect and strengthen a compact, non-car dependent, city form.
  • Implement and support Council’s Road Users Plan.
  • Implement and support the Active Warrnambool Strategy.
  • Implement and support the Warrnambool Open Space Strategy.
  • Develop and support an Integrated Transport Plan to increase utilisation of sustainable transport modes.
  • Ensure all major destinations and community facilities have direct and safe access to public transport (bus stops), foot paths and bike infrastructure.
  • Prioritise investment in public transport, walking and cycling infrastructure ahead of new car parking, and encourage employees and customers/clients to choose sustainable transport modes.