Warrnambool | A City for Living

Warrnambool prioritises health and wellbeing

Improving health and wellbeing is a high priority for individuals and Plan Partners across the City.

Services to support physical and mental health are accessible to all residents.

Community, cultural and recreational facilities, services and activities which support and encourage healthy lifestyles are accessible and available to all residents – particularly people who are vulnerable or disadvantaged.

2040 Outcome

Health and wellbeing is a fundamental priority for all workplaces, community Plan Partners, clubs, groups, families and individuals.

All residents have a healthy diet, are sufficiently physically active and make informed and healthy choices about alcohol and drug use.

High quality and wide-ranging healthcare (physical and mental) and community services are more accessible to Warrnambool’s residents than they were in 2017.

The changes we want by 2026

  • W2040 Partners share and/or publish their data to increase awareness of local health and wellbeing trends and needs.
  • W2040 Partners include improved health and wellbeing for staff and/or the community as key performance indicators in their business plans.
  • Population health data (including rates of healthy eating, sufficient physical activity, and harm from alcohol and smoking) all improve from 2017 levels.
  • All residents are more active more often. • The proportion of residents who say their health is poor has reduced from 2017 levels.
  • The proportion of residents who say that their access to: facilities to play sport and be active; arts, cultural activities and groups; walking and cycling infrastructure , health services is excellent or very good, improves from 2017 levels.
  • Stage 2 of the South West Healthcare’s Warrnambool hospital redevelopment is complete.
  • Warrnambool has a Residential Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre.
  • Reid Oval Sporting Facility Redevelopment is complete.
  • Implementation of the Active Warrnambool Strategy 2018-2028 is on track.
  • Immunisation rates have improved for both children and adults for all recommended vaccines

Short Term Initiatives

  • Work together to achieve the objectives of the Health and Wellbeing Plan “Warrnambool – A Healthy City 2017-2021” and subsequent plans.
  • Develop and implement workplace health and wellbeing policies and health promotion programs, and monitor staff wellbeing.
  • Include improved employee and/or community health and wellbeing outcomes as measures in corporate/business plans.
  • Encourage and support employees to prioritise their health by increasing awareness of healthy lifestyles and supporting healthier choices.
  • Partner to identify gaps in facilities and services and advocate for improvements which would support improved health and wellbeing of residents.
  • Council will adopt and implements the first action plan for the Active Warrnambool Strategy.
  • Council will implement its Disability Action Plan 2017-2026.